Language trip to London: Our first day (26th of June, 2023)

At 9:15 we met at Hanover Airport. 5 teachers came to the language trip: Mrs. Richter, Mrs. Steinkamp, Mrs. Gronholz, Mr. Schmidt and Mr. Armbrecht. First of all, we dropped off our luggage. It took so long because a lot of people came along. We then went to the baggage and passport control. Nothing exciting happened in our airport. But when our flight started on the plane, it became more and more interesting. On the plane or rather after the flight, most of us had headaches or they were dizzy and a girl even had to vomit briefly. We had arrived in London-Heathrow. There we had to wait a long time because we were waiting for our suitcases and still had to wait for a friend of mine because she had lost her passport. While we were waiting, Ivory and I played cards. When we finally moved on, we got into the underground. That was something new for me. The train was small, but a bit prettier than ours. We had to drive for a very long time. But when we finally arrived at our station, we still had to climb stairs with our heavy suitcases. That was exhausting. Thank God there was an elevator upstairs. We have almost arrived. We only had to walk a few metres to the hostel. On the way, I admired the whole buildings. Here, the buildings are mixed with old and modern style. But what I liked most was that the houses are all clean and not smeared with graffiti. Oh and by the way, the left-hand traffic here is also new to me. Otherwise I’m used to everyone driving on the right, but suddenly everyone is driving on the left. But I’ll get used to it quickly. We arrived at the hostel. The hostel is very nice. Everyone got their rooms except 4 people: Ivory, Angelina, Kamilla and me. We sat in the hallway for a very long time and didn’t know what to do. However, the problem was solved afterwards. The boys have spread out a bit too much and that’s why there weren’t enough rooms. Now there are four of us in a sixth room. I got to know Angelina and Kamilla a little better. The rooms are very cool. We have two fans in our room. But the beds are also very nicely designed. In the evening (at around 6 p.m.) we were then allowed to walk through the city in groups. Ivory, Angelina and I went to Five Guys together. Angelina got a milkshake and Ivory and I got a hot dog without ketchup (because otherwise it would be more expensive), but I came up with a wonderful idea. We just took these small mini packs of ketchup (you could just take them like that) and when we went out we smeared this ketchup into our hot dog. So that’s better than nothing at all. After that, we were in a European store. There were different foods from Europe. I bought us all the tortellini and cheese balls. It was about time and we had to go back. On the way back, we were at such a monument and the three of us took a selfie there. We went back to the hostel. Ivory went to cook for us and everyone else took a shower after such a long day. Ivory then called us all to dinner. The food that Ivory made was delicious. After the meal, we cleaned up all the dishes first and then cleaned the table. Everyone was so tired that we just went to our room and chilled there. In the room, the four of us played truth or dare. That was very funny, because when Ivory chose duty, she had to dance with me to Spanish music. At about 22:30, Kamilla and I went to sleep and Ivory and Angelina were still sitting at the mobile phone for a short time, but also went to sleep shortly after us.

So in short: The first day was exhausting!
Text by Albina (8.3)
(P. Richter / U. Steinkamp)