London trip 2024

On the first day: We started the London trip at the airport in Hanover and then flew to London. From London airport we took the underground to our hostel.
Then we explored the area around the hostel and walked from Hyde Park through Kensington Gardens to Buckingham Palace. In front of Buckingham Palace we took a nice group picture. By the end of this exciting day, all of us went tiredly to bed.

On the second day: We had breakfast for the first time at the hostel and then went to the Tower Bridge. Afterwards, we went to the Tower of London. We had some time to explore the very big and amazing castle with its impressive history. We were given the chance to see the magnificent Crown Jewels.
After a lunch break, we took an Uber Boat to Greenwich.
There we first explored the Royal Observatory and afterwards we had some free time in groups. By the end of the second day, all of us went happily to bed on time.

On the third day, we eagerly devoured our breakfast first, and then we swiftly journeyed through the underground network to the London Dungeon. It was absolutely terrifying. After our spine-chilling experience at the London Dungeon, we had ample time to purchase some delicious food. Subsequently, we ascended onto the London Eye, where we were blessed with an exceptionally breathtaking view and were able to snap an abundance of stunning pictures. Following this, we hopped onto a classic double-decker bus heading towards Camden Market. There, we had plenty of time for an extensive shopping spree. Afterwards, we took the Underground back to our hostel, concluding our adventurous third day.
(Fabienne & Amy)

On the 11th of April was our 4th day of our trip. We started the day with a delicious breakfast. After that we walked to the Science Museum. There is the world’s largest collection of exhibits from the fields of science, technology, industry and medicine. We had time to look around. Besides, we could learn more about ourselves. We gained new experience by checking out many interesting exhibits closely. We had lots of fun. Our next stop was the colourful and busy Portobello Market in the famous neighbourhood of Notting Hill. After that we went by foot to the Hard Rock Café. Before entering the restaurant, we had time to look around the popular same named shop. There were lots of clothes and other articles. Our burgers were very nice and yummy. We also had an ice cream for dessert. After our dinner we went to our hostel. A day with lots of nice adventures.
(Dorcas & Luna)

On our last day of our trip, we enjoyed a delicious breakfast before heading to Buckingham Palace, where we delighted in watching the guards‘ walk (Changing of the Guard). Afterwards, we had some free time to purchase various snacks and souvenirs. Next, we visited the impressive Natural History Museum. There we had ample opportunity to explore and learn about the history of nature. Later, we returned to the hostel to collect our luggage and proceeded to the airport to fly back to Hannover. That marked the end of our trip which was one of the best memories of our lives. (Adrian)

From the head of organisation:

We would like to take the opportunity to express our heartfelt gratitude for the exemplary and unwavering dedication in all situations to our group leaders. Thanks for your tireless support. You have given our students an unforgettable time. Our students love London. London is calling soon!

(P. Richter, U. Steinkamp)